Saturday, September 25, 2010

Ben's Day Out

Ben had a fun-filled day mostly spent outside in the gorgeous weather.  It all started with a mini-photo shoot with Mommy. 

He's a big ol' ham.  

 He rocks his blue jeans!

 Me and Mommy, we're a team.

Like pea's and carrots.

I also let Ryan take a full body shot of me for the first time in forever.  I'm slowly getting back to where I can live within my own body and not feel like an enormous cow.  I've consistently been losing weight since Ben was born.  I'm down 56 pounds from my highest pregnancy weight and have even lost some of the weight I put on pre-pregnancy.  It's a good feeling when all your pre-preggo jeans are too big!  I also wanted to model my super cute new outfit.  I'm diggin' the shorts-with-tights trend, because pregnancy was not kind to my legs.  I'd love to lose another 25 lbs, and at this rate, that is totally doable.

Ben had his first taste of chocolate cake at the luncheon, courtesy of Grandma!

He loved it and really  had a blast being there and flirting with all the ladies.  He was tuckered out towards the end.



We had a good time when we got home too.  Daddy put Ben's favorite UK blankie in the yard and he rolled around with his Pooh toy. 
There's Panda making a rare appearance.  Poor little guy doesn't get his picture taken like he did in the pre-baby days.

I finally picked out a formula for Ben.  I went with something other than Earth's Best because I could only find it in the monster cans and I won't be using that much.  I'll update on all that jazz tomorrow.  Time for dinner!

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